Valentine's Day Header: In
this special Valentine's Day header, Iz is asleep in bed. He is hugging
the obnoxious pink teddy bear Rose got him last Valentine's Day, when
he was still barely able to speak. Rose kneels on his bed, smiling
mischievously. She wields a bright pink marker, with which she is
presumably going to give Iz a moustache. I'm sure some people will
assume it's a lipstick, but I meant it to be a marker. The header reads
"It Never Rains by Kari Maaren."
Panel 1: Jennifer, Rose, and Iz sit on Rose and Iz's couch. Rose and Iz hold hands.
Jennifer: Everything that's happened to Iz has been a result of the two realities snapping apart and then trying to reunite.
Panel 2:
Jennifer: He's feeling the effects through space and time, which I think indicates that the glass is in danger not just of splitting but of cracking.
Panel 3:
Rose: What does that mean?
Jennifer: Splitting gets us two realities running side by side.
Panel 4:
Jennifer: Cracking gets us both realities torn apart.
Iz: I no longer like this metaphor.
Alt-Text: Most metaphors are not this scary.